{% extends 'layout.html.twig' %} {% block content %} {{ include('Includes/content-default.html.twig') }} {# this is just used for demonstration #} {% set image = pimcore_asset(53) %} {% set thumbnails = { 'Cover': 'exampleCover', 'Contain': 'exampleContain', 'Frame': 'exampleFrame', 'Rotate': 'exampleRotate', 'Resize': 'exampleResize', 'Scale by Width': 'exampleScaleWidth', 'Scale by Height': 'exampleScaleHeight', 'Contain & Overlay': 'exampleOverlay', 'Rounded Corners': 'exampleCorners', 'Sepia': 'exampleSepia', 'Grayscale': 'exampleGrayscale', 'Mask': 'exampleMask', 'Combined 1': 'exampleCombined1', 'Combined 2': 'exampleCombined2' } %}

{{ 'Original Dimensions of the Image'|trans }} {{ image.width }} x {{ image.height }}

{% for title, name in thumbnails %} {% if loop.index0 % 3 == 0 %}
{% endif %}
{% set thumbnail = image.getThumbnail(name) %}
{{ thumbnail.getHTML()|raw }}

{{ title|trans }}

{{ 'Dimensions'|trans }} {{ thumbnail.width }} x {{ thumbnail.height }}
{% if loop.last or ((loop.index0 + 1) % 3 == 0) %}
{% endif %} {% endfor %}
{{ pimcore_areablock('content_bottom') }} {% endblock %}